The result is the Lifelike Portraits in 21 Days Course.
An intensive training program designed to get you huge results in no time!
You’ll master the formula I demonstrated earlier so you can set your portraits up correctly every time.
You’ll learn how to approach a portrait from both simple and complex angles with confidence.
Facial Features
In this module, we’ll take an in-depth look at each of the major facial features.
We’ll study their structure and use fun exercises to practice them quickly, so you can get those details right in your portraits.
Making sure that your image actually looks like your subject is one of the most important things when it comes to portrait drawing.
In this module I teach you exactly how to do that so you can make sure your portrait ALWAYS looks like its subject.
This module is where we get into the fun stuff — bringing your portrait to life!
After you have an accurate sketch, you need to be able to build the form through value so your drawing really captures the spirit of your subject! We cover all of that in this module.
This module teaches you how to push your drawing even further, capturing those little details that make someone really feel like themselves.
Things like freckles, wrinkles, beards, and glasses. We cover all that in this module so you’re prepared for ANY face.
Inside, you’ll find…
…hopping from one art resource to another and finally have everything you need to draw Lifelike Portraits in one place?
…because you’ve finally found the right solution that puts the old way of learning to shame?
…instead of feeling embarrassed or ashamed that something isn’t quite right…?
…that no one can ever take away from you that actually get you the results that you want?
To finally achieve game-changing results with your portrait drawing. To finally be confident in your ability to, with just a little time and practice, capture ANY face accurately — WITHOUT spending hours of frustration, erasing and erasing to get it right.
No more grids, no more tracing, no more crumpled up sheets of paper. You’ll be so proud of what you’ll be able to create!
Your classes reflect how you really are: honest, humble, and eager to help your students succeed. THANK YOU SO MUCH, REBECCA!!!”
Still have questions? Read our FAQ:
All the training materials are online in video format, plus you get the physical course workbook mailed out to you (I’ll give you a digital print-at-home copy too).
This way you can watch it on any device and have permanent access to it forever.
The good news is that you can start and stop the program whenever you want. 21 days is just the average amount of time it takes someone to complete the program.
Some people complete it in as little as a week… some take longer… it’s designed to get you results… fast!
This course will absolutely help you, yes.
You don’t need any experience to start this course, it’s designed to help you know exactly where to start.
In fact, it might be a good thing you are starting from scratch — no preconceived notions or bad habits to break!
This course, I believe, will help anyone, at any level, to improve very quickly.
If you want to learn to paint portraits, I would absolutely recommend that you take this course first.
Painting is so much fun, but it’s also so much more complicated than drawing, so having a good foundation in your drawing skills is super important.
It’s going to make your transition to painting SO MUCH EASIER if you have a solid foundation in drawing, first.
And yes, a lot of what you’ll learn in this course is stuff that does translate into painting.
It’s basically just like focusing on learning the stuff in black and white first, so that when you move on to color, you can focus just on the color part, rather than trying to learn the basics of form and getting the likeness right.
No! You can take this course at your own pace.
You can go through it in 21 days if you have time to do that, if not, you can go slower through it, take it at whatever pace works for you.
You can even go back through the course multiple times if you want. It’s very flexible, meant to build your skills easily and gradually at any pace.
Need help or still have questions?